Page:Adam Bell, Clym of the Clough, and William of Cloudeslie (2).pdf/20

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But good my lord, speak some merry word,
That comfort they may see;
I grant you grace, then said the King,
Rise, fellows, and to meat go ye.

They had not sitten but a while,
Certain without leasing,
There came messengers from the north,
With letters to our King.

And when they came before the King,
They knelt down on their knee,
And said, lord, your officers greet you well
Of Carlile, in the north countrie.

How fareth my Justice, said the King,
And my Sherife also?
Sir, they be slain without leasing,
And many an officer mo.

Who hath them slain? then said the King,
Anon that do tell me;
Adam Bell, and Clym of the Clough,
And William of Cloudeslie.

Alas for rewth! then said the King,
My heart is wondrous sore;
I had lever than a thousand pound
I had known this before:

For I have granted to them grace,
And that forthinketh me;
But had I known all this before,
They had been hanged all three.

The King he opened the letter anone,
Himself he read it thro,
And found how these outlaws had slain
Three hundred men and more.