Page:Across the sub-Arctics of Canada (1897).djvu/306

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Aberdeen, Earl and Countess of, 112.

Athabasca, Bishop of, 45, 46.

Back, Sir George, 124.

Christopher, Capt., 172.

Corrigal, James, portrait, 11;
  engaged, 41.

Daly, Hon. T. M., 80.

Flett, John, engaged, 9;
  portrait, 11.

Franklin, Sir John, 124.

French, Pierre, Louis and Michel, engaged, 9:
  portrait of, 11.

Gordon, Commander, 181.

Hawes, Capt., 218.

Hearne, Samuel, 215-217.

Howard, Inspector, 26, 28, 30.

Isbister, Mr. and Mrs., 247.

La Perouse, 217.

Lofthouse, Jos. (Rev.) and wife, 206, 211-213;
  portraits, 212.

Lofthouse, Miss Marjorie, 212, 251.

Macdonald, J. K., 248.

Mackenzie, Sir Alexander, 49.

Macoun, Prof. John, 251.

Matheson, Mr., 209.

Markham, Admiral R. N., 91.

Maurice, François, portrait, 11;
  engaged, 41.

Middleton, Capt., 214.

Mills, Capt. J. W., 28, 45, 53, 55.

Milne, Dr., 240, 242.

Moberly, Mr., H. B. C. officer, 9, 41.

Moberly, the guide, engaged, 53.

Mowat, Mr., 240, 242, 244.

McConnell, Mr., 28, 37.

McKay, Dr., 45, 46, 48, 52, 53, 55, 57.

Ogilvie, Wm., D.L.S., 28, 30, 48.

Omen, Arthur, 219.

Ray, Dr., 124.

Reed, Mr., 59.

Richardson, Sir John, 124.

Robson, Joseph, 215.

Russell, Mr., 48.

Schott, river pilot, 30, 32-34, 42.

Schultz, Sir John and Lady, 13, 115.

Selwyn, A. R. C., portrait, 74.

Tyrrell, J. Burr, 7, 70, 173;
  portrait, 219.

Westasecot, Charlie, 243.

Westasecot, James, 207.

Westasecot, William, 226.

Wolseley, Lord, 9.

Young, Bishop, 49, 52, 55.


Arctic birds, 132.

Arctic hare, 132, 185.

Bear, black, 73.

Bear, polar, 132, 158, 159, 189-198, 218, 225.

Buffalo, 89;
  trails of, 13.

Caribou. (See Reindeer.)

Duck, wild, 160, 184, 187.

Ermine, 98.

Fox, 161, 235.

Goose, wild, 47, 58, 102, 112.

Gull, 184.

Loon, 17.

Marmot, 187.

Moose, 23-25.

Musk ox, 107, 113.

Pike 58.

Ptarmigan, 160, 185, 186, 204, 205, 208, 234, 235.

Rabbit, 43, 186, 235.

Reindeer (or caribou), 84-87, 95, 96, 99, 109, 132, 147-149, 186-188, 224-226.

Salmon trout, 66, 93, 161.

Seal, 127-171, 203.

Walrus, 132, 133, 140, 153-158.

Whale, 132, 133, 182.

Whitefish, 51, 66, 93, 161, 245.

Wolf, 17, 23, 98, 99, 108, 120, 120, 161, 224, 225.

Wolverine, 99, 100.


Aspen, 81.

Balsam, 47.

Birch, 21, 40, 57, 71, 111, 245, 246.

Coal, 14, 60.

Copper, 173.

Fir, 59.

Glaciers, 81.

Gneiss, Laurentian, 57, 175.

Gold, 14, 173.

Huronian schists, 118, 173, 182.

Iron ore, 60.

Jack-pine, 16, 17, 58, 245, 246.

Lignite, 14.

Limestone, 38, 39;
  Cambrio-Silurian, 92.

Marl, 120.

Natural gas, 36.

Poplar, 15, 21, 40, 46, 57, 245, 246.

Quartzite, 109, 181.

Sand, curious hills of, 99, 105.

Sand, "Kames," 80.

Sandstone, cretaceous, 57;
  soft, 111.

Silver, 173.

Spruce, 17, 21, 40, 46, 47, 57, 71, 84, 90, 93, 203, 204, 227, 245, 246.

Tamarack, 79, 84, 85.

Tar sand beds, 36, 37.

Trappean rock, 110, 173.

Willow, 111, 208.