Page:Across the sub-Arctics of Canada (1897).djvu/185

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condition he is said to ascend through the roof of the igloe, and to meet and hold communication with Cood-la-pom-e-o, and having arranged matters with him he returns to earth, re-enters the igloe through the door, and reports the result of this interview.

The following are some of the laws of the Eskimos:

"1. No man shall after sunset do any work requiring the use of tools. The women may sew, make garments, or chew boots." (Thus the hours of each day after sunset form the Eskimo's Sabbath.)

"2. No person shall eat walrus and deer meat on the same day.

"3. The carcases of all large animals slain during the winter season shall be equally divided among all members of the community.

"4. All kinds of rare game are common property during all seasons.

"5. Any person finding drift-wood secures ownership by placing stones upon it.

"6. Any other kind of goods found remains the property of the original owner.

"7. When a seal is harpooned and gets off with the harpoon, the first harpooner loses all claim to it when the float becomes detached.

"8. If two hunters strike a bird at the same time, it shall be equally divided between them.

"9. Whoever is first to see a bear has first ownership, no matter who slays it.

"10. After slaying a bear, the man who kills it shall hang up his hunting implements, together with the bladder of the beast, in some high conspicuous place, for at least three days, and for four days shall be separated from his wife.