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complement to the country, his Majesty appeared in complete Highland costume, made of the royal Stuart tartan, which displayed his manly and graceful figure to great advantage.

About a quarter past four, his Majesty took his departure in a carriage and four for Dalkeith, accompanied by the Duke of Dorset and the Marquis of Conynham. On getting into his carriage, his Majesty was surrounded by an immense concourse of people, who expressed their duty and affection by loud acclamations, and by the waving of hats and handkerchiefs. His Majesty replied to these testimonies of loyalty by waving his hand and politely bowing to the people, who continued to crowd round the carriage, and to run after it a considerable way through the park.

On Sunday, the 18th of August, in the churches of Edinburgh, and in the churches of all the parishes where the intelligence had been received, thanks were offered up for the safe arrival of his Majesty, in his ancient kingdom of Scotland. and the Divine blessing implored upon an event so memorable, and so grateful to the feelings of his people. The day was passed by the King in privacy.

On Monday the 19th August, at half past two o'clock, his Majesty held a court and closet audience at Holyrood Palace. The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the Universities, and the Highland Society, presented addresses, and received answers.

On Tuesday, the 20th of August, his Majesty held a drawing-room at the Palace, which was attended by about five hundred ladies of the most distinguished rank, fashion, and beauty in