Page:Account of several remarkable earthquakes, which happened in various quarters of the world.pdf/4

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in an unusual manner, and with a noise which I could distinctly hear. But my attention was quickly turned from more remote to contiguous danger. The rumbling sound of an approaching earthquake, which by this time we were grown acquainted with, alarmed us for the consequences. It every moment seemed to grow louder, and to approach more near. The place on which we stood now began to shake most dreadfully; so that, being unable to stand, my companions and I caught hold of whatever shrub grew next us, and supported ourselves in that manner. After some time, the violent paroxysm ceasing, we again stood up, in order to prosecute our voyage to Euphemia, which lay within sight. In the mean time, while we were preparing for this purpose, I turned my eyes towards the city, but could see only a frightful dark cloud, that seemed to rest upon the place: this the more surprised us as the weather was so very serene. We waited, therefore till the cloud was passed away: then turning to look for the city, it was totolly sunk, and nothing but a dismal and putrid lake was to be seen where it stood.

Account of the Earthquake that happened in Jamaica in 1692.

In 1692, an Earthquake happened in Jamaica-In two minutes, it destroyed the town of Port Royal, at that time the capital of the island; and sunk the houses in a gulph 40 fathoms deep. It was attended with an hollow rumbling noise like that of thunder, the streets rose like the waves of the sea, first lifting up the houses, and then immediately throwing them down into deep pits. All the wells discharged their waters with the most violent agitation. The sea burst over its bounds, and deluged all that stood in its way. The fissures of the earth were in some places so great, that one of the streets appeared twice as broad as formerly. In many places it opened and closed again, and