Page:Accidents and disasters on land.pdf/21

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Accident from Machinery.

A most distressing accident occurred at Morton-mains on Friday last. On the afternoon of that day, a respectable young man was employed in feeding the thrashing-mill, when thinking that the grain was going in too thick, and that it might tend to choke the machinery, he incautiously put in his left hand with a view of withdrawing the superfluous straw. In doing this, the rollers unfortunately caught hold of his arm, and drew it in up to the shoulder.— Had he proclaimed his danger by calling for assistance, the machinery could have been stopped in one moment; but some time elapsed before his perilous situation was known, and even after the mill had ceased to move, nearly half an hour elapsed before the machinery could be turned and cut so as to leave a passage for the shattered member. Three medical gentlemen arrived at Morton-mains within one hour from the time the accident occurred, and after a patient and painful investigation, amputation was deemed indispensably necessary. The operation was borne with wonderful fortitude, and notwithstanding all he had gone through, the sufferer obtained a little sleep through the night, and to all appearance was apparently so easy on the following morning, that hopes are entertained of his ultimate recovery.