Page:A translation of the Latin works of Dante Alighieri.djvu/447

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This volume contains all the extant Latin works of Dante. The translation of the De Vulgari Eloquentia has been revised for this edition by A. G. Ferrers Howell, who first published it in 1890. The translations of the De Monarchia and of Epistolæ V.-IX. have been revised by Philip H. Wicksteed from provisional translations issued by him to students in 1896 and 1898: while the translations of the rest of the Epistolæ (including that to Can Grande), of the Eclogues, and of the De Aqua et Terra, have been made by him expressly for this edition.

Each translator takes the full responsibility for his own part of the work, including both text and notes, but each has to acknowledge corrections, suggestions, and contributions from the other, not specified in detail.

Bedford Street, W. C.
November 1904.

Printed by Turnbull & Spears
at Edinburgh in Great Britain