Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume II.djvu/264

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[ 252 ]

considered as the perfection of that line of painting. He was in the service of the Elector Palatine, and painted for his collection.

A fine bronze antique vase. Ditto, groupe; and some Etruscan vases.

The view from hence embraces another part of the extensive park (which is nine miles in circum- ference) where the soft-flowing Avon is seen to wander, forming an island in its wanton course. The fringed banks relieve its lustre, and a grand bridge of one arch, peeping out from a clump of trees, gives a classical dignity to its waves. Two handsome lodges are caught in the proper places to afford an agreeable variety, whilst woods and distant hills shut up the scene. This room termi- nates the suite of apartments, which extend in a right line three hundred and thirty feet.

In a small adjoining room, decorated with the finest painted glass, casting " a dim religious light" over the apartment, is an exquisite half-length by Rubens, of Catharine of Arragon, first ivife of Henry VIII. who was divorced from him in 1533, and died 1536, aged 51.

In an adjoining armoury, which contains the finest collection of old English armour in the king- dom, v.c saw every species of the military accoutre- ment;; of our forefathers; and amongst the rest, the

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