Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume II.djvu/241

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" Here, in July 1575, having compleated all things for her reception., Lord Leicester entertained Queen Elizabeth for the space of seventeen days, with excessive cost, and a variety of delightful shews,, as may be seen at large in a special discourse thereof then printed, and entitled The Princely Pleasures of Kenilworth-Castle. At her first en- trance, there was a floating island upon the pool, bright blazing with torches; upon which, clad in silks, were the Lady of the Lake ', and two nymphs waiting on her; who made a speech to the Queen in metre, of the antiquity and owners of the castle; which was closed with cornets and loud music. Within the base-court there was a very goodly bridge set up, of twenty feet wide and seventy feet long, over which theQueen d'd pass. On each side thereof were posts erected, with presents upon them unto her by the trods, viz. A care of wild fowl, by Sihanus ; sundry rare fruits, by Pomona; of corn, by Ceres ; of wine, by Bacchus; of sea-fish, bv Neplunc ; of all the habiliments of war, by Mars ; and of musical instruments, by Apo'.lo. And for the several days of her stay, various rare sports and shews were there exercised, viz. in the chace, a savage man with satyrs; bear-baiting-', fire-works, Italian tumblers, a country bridal, with running at

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