Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume II.djvu/133

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[ '21 ]

collection of pictures it contains well rewards the little deviation from the direct road to Lancaster which a visit to it occasions.

The ball contains the following portraits, half- lengths: Sir Isaac Newton. The Duchess of

Cleveland. The long-armed Duke of Devonshire ; as he was termed. Two small whole-lengths of


daughters of the great Lord Russel. Admiral Penn, and his daughter; half-lengths. Lady Betty Loivther, Lord Frederick's aunt. The celebrated Nell Givynne. Mrs. Loivther. Lord Charles Cavendish. Sir fames Loivther, well known for his extreme penuriousness, which obtained him the appellation of' Farthing Jemmy.' jQucen Caroline. In the dining-room, over the door, is a good land- scape, unknown. Two landscapes, by Claude. A fine ditto, by Zucharelli. Two exquisite views of the inside of a church, the one by day-light, the other finely illuminated with lamps; by B. Neefs; the figures by Elshamer. An eld portrait, said to be Lord Doudas, with this inscription: " Novit " paucos secura quies. /Ftatis silt xxii, A. I). " mdxj." An admirable small picture in Van Schalken's manner; two young artists studying an antique, on which hangs a lamp which throws a fine light over the picture. Two good battle- pieces, in Wouvermans' style. The removal ol

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