Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume I.djvu/57

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4199 persons. An admirable House of Industry, built under an act passed in 1792, upon a good plan, and subject to wise regulations, gives comfort and finds employment for that unhappy class of society, the impotent and unprotected poor; and at the same time considerably lessens those assessments for their support which are so oppressive at other places.

On quitting Tewksbury, the champain country through which we had hitherto pursued our journey, swells into a hill, from whose summit we obtained a fine view to the left of the Malvern hills, which, starting suddenly out of a flat surface, carry their proud crest to a great height above the horizon for some miles, and then, dropping as rapidly as they rose, unite again with the level country. These summits form a line of incomparable beauty and variety; whilst their broad declivity to the east is overspread with the town of Malvern- Wells, seen from afar, and their roots are lost to the eye by the intervention of luxuriant woods. On each side of us we saw the pear, thickly powdered with its chaste blossom, and growing to an enormous size, promising an abundant supply of fruit for the manufacture of that delicious perry, whose praises would form a worthy subject, for the muse of a second Phillips. Far and wide also, on every side, the