Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume I.djvu/264

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one is almost eighteen feet high, and has been calculated to weigh thirty-five tons. The middle and southern pillars are upwards of twenty-two feet high, and supposed to weigh thirty tons each.

From these remains of high and rude antiquity, we hastened on to Newby-Park, the seat of the Right Hon. Weddell Robinson Lord Grantham; passing through Borough-Bridge, the Isurium Brigantum' of the Romans, and the scene of the battle between the forces of Edward II. and those of the confederated Barons in the year 1321, when the ill-starred Thomas of Lancaster was made prisoner. His execution at Pomfret speedily followed. An agreeable ride of three miles carried us from this place to his lordship's house, built of brick the beginning of the last century, situated on the eastern bank of the river Aire, in a fertile flat, surrounded by most agreeable pastoral and sylvan scenery. All without the house, the walks, and shrubberies, and avenues, are of a piece and congruous; and shew the correctness of that taste which is again discovered on a less scale, but in an equal degree, within the house, in die nature and arrangement of its ornaments.

In the hall, exclusive of a fine organ, are—Agrand cattle-piece, with Cows and Sheep, by Rosa da Tivoli.—St. Margaret, by H. Carracci.—A large