Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume I.djvu/239

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The ceiling is painted with the story of Endymion and Morpheus, by Amicini.

In the Gentleman's dressing-room, is

Sophia Electress of Hanover, daughter of Elizabeth of Bohemia, and mother of George I.

In the state bedchamber we find,

Lady Eleanor Brandon, daughter of Charles Duke of Suffolk by Mary sister of Henry VIII. and wife of Henry Clifford second Earl of Cumberland; by Lucas de la Heere.

In the Lady's dressing-room are,

The Judgment of Paris, and the Death of Dido; two fine pieces by Carlo Maratti.

Sir Philip Sidney; whole length; black breeches, stockings, and cloak, white satin doublet and bows; a fine picture. The reign of Elizabeth furnishes a copious catalogue of illustrious personages, who appear emulously striving to excel each other in deeds of great and fair renown ; and by more than one historian has the palm been adjudged to Sidney, who was alike conspicuous in the tilt-yard and field of battle, in the cabinet and the closet. His name appears in several lists of tournaments, and his valour was displayed in Flanders. His conduft, whilst ambassador to the court of Germany, was so exemplary, that the Poles offered to elect him king; his poetry and prose were both in higher and