Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume I.djvu/220

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That the bearer of all these accumulated honours should be the objeft of public indignation and private resentment, can hardly be matter of surprise, if we recollect, that they were conferred at a period, when to deserve the love of the subject was not found to be the best method of securing the favour of the sovereign. But independent of that envy and jealousy to which Strafford by his exalted situation became liable, he had considerably heightened the rancour of party by his desertion from the popular cause, to which he had early in life declared himself warmly attached; and on his apostacy was warned of his destiny by Pym, in these memorable words: "You have left us; but I will not leave you, whilst you have a head on your shoulders." The parliament no sooner felt itself assured of its superior strength, than the opportunity was seized to carry this threat into execution, when the court minister was impeached by the Commons of England, and the charge carried up to the Lords by Pym. His defence before his compeers was spirited, nervous, and energetic; yet looking at the temper of the times, we are not surprized to find that it was not sufficiently impressive to defeat the bill of attainder which was produced in the lower house, and approved by the Lords. He was executed on Tower-