Page:A tour through the northern counties of England, and the borders of Scotland - Volume I.djvu/125

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that swells to a considerable height on the northern part of the town.

Pursuing our road to Derby, we soon perceived the style of the country was changing; and that nature, tired with the tameness of a level, began to indulge herself in inequalities and variety. The grand trunk occasionally shewed itself—an indication of the great internal commerce carried on in this part of the kingdom. The river Dove also, of bewitching name, (which rises a little to the south of Burton, and makes the boundary between Derbyshire and Staffordshire, as far as its junction with the Trent below Burton) crossed the turnpike at the eighth mile-stone, and crouched beneath an aqueduct: of twelve arches to the right, which conveyed the canal over its bosom; whilst a beautiful landscape offered itself to the right, formed by the village of Eggington, the seat of Sir Henry Everett, and a pleasing groupe of humbler dwellings.

On reaching Derby, its manufactures claimed our first attention. They consist of the silk manufactory; the porcelaine ditto; and the marble and spar works. Of the first, there are six in Derby; that of Mr. Shell employs about three hundred people; one single water-wheel sets in motion all the beautiful machinery, which exhibits above one hundred thousand different movements. All ope-