Page:A simplified grammar of the Roumanian language.djvu/33

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Proportional Numbers.

For these numbers two forms are used, one of Latin origin:

1. simplu,2. duplu,3. triplu, etc.

The other is formed by affixing it to the cardinal number and prefixing to it the particle în:

1. simplu, 4. împătrit, împătri.
2. îndoit, îndoi. 100. îmsutit, însuti.
3. întreit, întrei. 1000. înmiit, înmii.


Pronouns (Pronume).

Personal Pronouns.

The personal pronouns are:

Eŭ, ‘I;’ tu, ‘thou;’ el (masc.), ea (fem.), ‘he,’ ‘she.’

Note.—Eŭ, el, ea, are pronounced as if written yeŭ, yel, yea.

They are declined as follows:—


Nom. Eŭ, ‘I;’ tu, ‘thou;’ el (masc.), ea (fem.), ‘he,’ ‘she.’

Dat. mie, ‘to me;’ ie, ‘to thee;’ luĭ, eĭ, ‘to him,’ ‘to her.’

Acc. pe mine, ‘me;’ pe tine, ‘thee;’ pe el, pe ea, ‘him,’ ‘her.’