Page:A simplified grammar of the Roumanian language.djvu/20

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changed into ĭ. When the singular ends in ĭ, no change is made:

pom, ‘fruit tree;’ po, ‘fruit trees.’
tălhar, ‘thief;’ tălha, ‘thieves.’
împărat, ‘emperor;’ împăraṭĭ, ‘emperors.’
rege, ‘king;’ re, ‘kings.’
peṣte, ‘fish;’ peṣtĭ, ‘fishes.’
frate, ‘brother;’ fraṭĭ, ‘brothers.’
socru, ‘father-in-law;’ socrĭ, ‘fathers-in-law.’
Dumnezeŭ, ‘God;’ Dumnezeĭ, ‘Gods.’
ta, ‘father;’ taṭĭ, ‘fathers.’
po, ‘priest;’ po, ‘priests.’
ciocoĭ, ‘parvenu;’ ciocoĭ, ‘parvenus.’

Note I.—If cal, ‘horse,’ has for plural caĭ, this is done for the sake of euphony.

Note II.—Om, ‘man,’ has its plural ómenĭ (homines); nume, ‘noun,’ numenĭ; but nume also is more generally used for the plural.

Feminine Terminations.

As masculine nouns generally end with a consonant, so feminine nouns generally end with the vowel ă:

Romă, ‘Roumanian’ (f.)
Engle, ‘Englishwoman.’
Gré, ‘Greek woman.’
nepó, ‘niece.’
professó, ‘teacher’ (f.).
ĭmpărătéssă, ‘empress.’
cassă, ‘house.’
miréssă, ‘bride.’