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Cheap Popular Novels, continued

BY MRS, ALFRED HUNT. Thornicroft's Model. The Leaden Casket. Self Condemned, BY FEAN INGELOW. Fated to be Free. RY HARRIETT FAY, The Dark Colleen. The Queen of Connaught. BY HENRY KINGSLEY,

Oakshott Castle, | Number Seventeen |

BY EB. LYNN LINTON. Patriela Kembalt, Tho Atonement of Leam Oundas. The World Well Lost. Under which Lord? With a Silken Thread, The Rebol of the Family. "My Love!" BY HENRY WW, Lucy, Gideon Fleyce. RY JUSTIN McCARTHY, 3.P, Dear Lady Disdaln. The Waterdale Neighbours, My Enemy's Daughter, A Falr Saxon, Lintey Hochford. Miss Misanthrope. Donna Quixote. The Comet of a Soason. BY GEORGE MACDONALD. Paul Faber, Surgeon, Thomas Wingfold, Curate, BY MRS. MACDONELL, Quaker Cousins,

BY KATHARINE S, MACQUOID, The Evil Eye. i Lost Rose.

BY W. H. MALLOCK, Tho New Republic,


Open! Sesame! A Littic Stepson, A Harvest of Wild | Fighting the Aj. Oats. Written in Fire,

RY }. MASTERMAN, Half-a-dozen Daughters. BY JEAN MIDDLEMASS, Touch and Go, | Nir. Dortilion.

Cuear Porutar Novecs, continned— BY D. CHRISTIE MURRAY, A Life's Atonament, A Model Father. Joseph's Coat. Coals of Fire. By tha Gate of the Sea. BY NERS. CLIPHANT, Whiteladios. RY MRS, ROBERT O'REILLY. Phosbe's Fortunes.


Hold In Bondage. | TwollttleWooden 5.

Strathmore, Shoe

| Chandos. | Signa. Under Two Flags. '" a Winter Clty. idalia, Ariadne, Cecil Castle | Friendship.

maine. Moths,

Telcotrin. | Pipistretto, Puck. 'A Village Com Folle Farine. mune,

A Dog of Flanders, | Sibi. Pascarel. In Maremma,

BY MARGARET AGNES PAUL, Gentle and Simple.


Lost Sir Massingberd.

A Porfect Trea sure,

Bentinck's Tutor,

Murphy's Master,

/ A County Family.

At Her Mercy,

A Woman's VenReance,

Cecil's Tryst.

Clyffarda of Clyffe

The Farnily Scape grace.

Foster Grothers,

Found Dead.

Bost of Husbands

| Walter's Word,


Fellen Fortunes. What He Cost Her Humorous Storics

Gwendoline's Har. i


Like Fathor, Like Son,

A Marine Real dence.

Married Bonerth Him.

Mirk Abbey.

Not Wooed, but Won,

£200 Reward.

Less Black than We're Painted.

By Proxy.

Under Onc Roof.

High Spirits.

Carlyon's Year.

A Confidential Agent.

ane Private

From Exile.

A Grape from a Thorn.

For Cash Only,

SY EDGAR A. POR. The tiystery of Marie Reget.