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Bret Harte's Works, continued

An Heiress of Red Dog, and other Stories, Post 8vo, illustrated boards, 2s.° cloth limp, 2s. 64.

The Twins of Table Mountain. Fcap. Avo, pictare corer, 18.; crown vo, cloth extra, 38, 64.

Luck of Roaring Camp, and other Sketches. Post 8vo, illust. bds., 23. Jot? Briggs's Love Story. Fcap. 8vo, piciura cover, 18.; clot extra, 28.64.

Flip, Post 8vo, illustrated boards, 28.; cloth limp, 23.

Californian Stories (including Tre 'Twivs or TABLE Mountain, Jerr Biueas's Love Story, &c.) Post Avo, illustrated boards, 28.

Brewer (Rev. Or.), Works by:_

The Roader's Handbeskof Allusions, References, Plots, and Stories. Fourth Edition, revised throughout, with a New Appendix, containing a ComPLeTé EnGlisn Bisiioak arr, Cr. &¥o, 1,400 pp., cloth extra, 73. 6d.

Authors and their Works, with the Dates: Being the Appendices to "The Readers Handbook," separately printed. Cr. 8vo, cloth limp, 23.

A Dictionary of Miracles:!mitative, Realistic, and Dogmatic. Crown Svo, cloth extra, 7%. 64.; halfbound, 95.

Se etl ee i Brewster(Sir David),Works by:

More Werlds than One: The Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian, With Plates. Post fivo, cloth extra, 4s, Gd.

The Martyrs of Science: Lives of, Tyeno Brate, and Kee LER, With Portraits, Post Svo, cloth extra, 9. 6d.

Letters on Natural Magic, A New }-fition, with numerons Illustrations and Chapters on the Being an Faculties of Man, and Additional Phenownena of Natural Magic, by f. eee Post Sva, cloth extra, 4s. Gl.

Brillat Savarin._Gastronomy asa Fine Art. By Bruttrat-Savaain. 'Translated by R. B. Anpersox, M.A. jest #va, cloth timp, 2s, Gd.


Burnett (Mrs.), Novels by:

Surly Tim, and other Stories. Post vo, illustrated boards, 2s.

Kathleen Mavourneen. Feap, Sro, pictute cover, 13.

Lindsay's Luck. Feap. 8¥o, picture cover, 1s.

erty Polly Pemberton. Feap. bvo, 'cture corer, 18.

Buchanan's (Robert) Works:

Ballads of Life, Love, and Humour. With a Frontis; Anne Huoues. Crown cloth extra, 63.

Selected Poems of Robert Buchanan, With Frontispiece by T. DaLzint~ Crown fivo, cloth extra, 63.

Undertones. Cr. 8vo, cloth extra, 68.

London Poems. Cr. 8vo, cl. extra, 63.

The Book of Orm. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 63.

White Rose and Red: A Love Story. Crown Sve, cloth extr:

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rown 5Svo, cloth extra, 65.

St. Abo and his Seven Wives: A Tale of Salt Lake City. With a Frontispiece hy A. B. Hoventox, Crowa $ro, cloth extra, 66

Robert Buchanan's Complete Pootlcal Works. With Steel-plate Portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth extra,

7s, Gd. In the press. The Hebrid Isles: Wanderings in the

Land of Lore and the Outer He brides. With Frontispé by W. Swart. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6.

A Post's Sketch-Book: Selections from the Prosa Writings of Rowert Buenanax. Crown Svo, el. extra, 63.

The Shadow of the Sword: A Romance. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 95. G0.; post 8vo, illust. boards, 23.

A Child of Nature; A Romance, With a Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, cloth exita, 35, 6d.; post 8vo, illust. bds.,25,

God and the Man: A Romance. With Illustrations Frep. BARSARD. Crown vo, cloth extra, 3s, 62.5 post Svo, illustrated boards, 2a.

The Martyrdom of Madeline: A Romance. With Frontispiece byA.W. Cooper. Cr, $vo, cloth extra, 3s. 64,; post Sr9, illustrated boards, 2s.

Love Me for Ever. With a Frontispiece by P. Macxan. Crown-Hvo, cloth extra, 38, Gd.; post 8vo, iustrated boards, 23.

Annan Water: A Romance. Crown Svea, cloth extra, $s. 6d.

Tho New Abelard: A Romance, Crown Avo, cloth extra, 3s, 6d.

Foxglove Manor: A Novel. Three Vols,, crown Bva,

Burton (Robert):

The Anatomy of Melancholy. A New Edition, complete, correct and enriched by Translations of the Classical Extracts, Demy 8yo, cloth exira, 7%, 6d,

Melancholy Anatomised: Being an Abridgement, for popular use, of Burton's ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY, Post 8vo, cloth limp, 28. 64,
