Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/55

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King of the South Saxons, because he (Wulfere) was his godfather: and the priest Eoppa by the desire of Wilverd and of King Wulfere first brought baptism to the inhabitants of Wight.


This year the Sun was eclipsed. And Arcenbryht King of Kent died, and his son Ecbyrht succeeded him. And Colman[1] with his companions went to his own country. And this year there was a great pestilence in Britain, whereof Bishop Tuda died and he was buried at Wagele.[2] And Ceadda and Wilver were consecrated. And the same year the Archbishop Deusdedit died.


This year Oswiu and Ecbriht sent the priest Wigheard to Rome that he might be consecrated as Archbishop of Canterbury, but he died as soon as he arrived there.


This year Theodore was consecrated Archibishop and sent to England.


This year King Ecbyrht gave Raculf (Recul-

  1. Bishop of Lindisfarn, expelled because he would not observe the appointed time of Easter.
  2. Unknown. Bede gives Pægnalauh as the place of his death, and Smith supposes this to be Pinkley, near Durham.