Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/53

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These and many others, the King's chief men, all confirmed the grant. This writing was made in the year 664 after the birth of our Lord, in the 7th year of King Wulfere, and the 9th of the Archbishop Deusdedit. Then they laid the curse of God, and that of all the Saints, and of all Christian people upon him who should undo any thing that was now done: "So be it," said all, "Amen." When this transaction was finished the King sent to Rome, to Vitalianus the Pope that then was, and entreated that he would confirm all the aforesaid proceeding with his rescript and with his blessing. And the Pope sent his rescript, saying thus, "I Vitalianus the Pope do grant unto thee King Wulfere, and unto the Archbishop Deusdedit, and unto the Abbot Saxulf, all things that ye desire; and I forbid the King or any man whatsoever to have any claim thereon, excepting the Abbot only, neither let him be subject to any excepting the Pope of Rome, and the Archbishop of Canterbury. If any man break this ordinance in anything, let St. Peter with his sword destroy him: whosoever observeth it, let St. Peter with his key open unto him the kingdom of heaven. Thus was founded the monastery of Medeshamstede, which was afterwards called Burh (Peterborough). Afterwards,