Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/304

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Bloet Bishop of Lincoln on the other; and they rode there talking. Then the Bishop of Lincoln sank down, and said to the King, "Lord King! I am dying,"—and the King alighted from his horse, and took him between his arms, and bade them bear him to his inn, and he soon lay there dead; and they took his body with much pomp to Lincoln, and Robert Bishop of Chester, who was called Pecceth, buried him before St. Mary's altar. Soon after this the King sent his writs over all England, and desired his Bishops, his Abbots, and his Thanes, that they should all come to the meeting of his Witan at Gloucester, on Candlemas day, and they obeyed; and when they were there assembled the King bade them choose to themselves whomsoever they would as Archbishop of Canterbury, and that he would confirm their choice. Then the Bishops spake among themselves, and said that they would never more have a man of any monastic order as Archbishop over them. And they all with one accord went to the King, and entreated that they might choose one of the clergy for their Archbishop, and to this the King consented.—All this had been set on foot by the Bishop of Salisbury, and by the Bishop of Lincoln before he died, for they never loved the monks' rules,