Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/250

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number of his people, and burned the town of Mante, and all the holy monasteries in it, and two holy men who served God as anchorites were burned there. This done King William returned into Normandy. Rueful deeds he did, and ruefully he suffered. Wherefore ruefully? He fell sick and became grievously ill. What can I say? The sharpness of death, that spareth neither rich nor poor, seized upon him. He died in Normandy the day after the Nativity of St. Mary, and he was buried in Caen, at St. Stephen's monastery, which he had built and had richly endowed. O how false, how unstable is the good of this world. He, who had been a powerful King and Lord of many territories, He, then, of all his lands, possessed not more than seven feet of ground; and He, who was erewhile adorned with gold and with gems, lay then covered with mould. He left three sons: Robert the eldest was Earl of Normandy after him; the second, named William, wore the crown of England after his father's death; and his third son was Henry, to whom he bequeathed immense treasures.

If any would know what manner of man King William was, the glory that he obtained, and of how many lands he was Lord; then will we de-