Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/239

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he died on the ides of October, and he is buried in the Abbey, in the aisle of St. Nicholas.


This year King William carried an army of English and French over sea, and conquered the province of Maine: and the English did great damage, for they destroyed the vineyards and burned the towns, and they laid waste that province, the whole of which submitted to William, and they afterwards returned home again.


This year King William went over sea to Normandy; and Childe Edgar came thither from Scotland, and the King received him and all his men into the protection of the law, and he remained at Court, enjoying such privileges as the King granted him.


This year King William gave the daughter of William Osbearn's son in marriage to Earl Ralph: the said Ralph was a Welchman on his mother's side, and his father was an Englishman named Ralph, who was born in Norfolk. Then the King gave the Earldom of Norfolk and Suffolk to his son, who brought his wife to Norwich, but there the bridal feast was the bane of all: for Earl Roger and Earl Waltheof were there, and