Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/200

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at Westminster: he governed England four years and sixteen weeks, and in his reign a tax was raised for (keeping up a fleet of) 16 ships, at the rate of eight marks to every sailor, even as it had been in the days of King Cnut. And the same year King Hardacnut arrived at Sandwich seven days before Midsummer, and he was forthwith received as King by the English and by the Danes: but those who promoted his accession paid dearly for it afterwards. Then they determined upon raising a tax to keep up a fleet of 62 ships, at the rate of eight marks for every sailor. And the same year the sæster of wheat sold for 55 pennies and even more.


This year Archbishop Eadsige journeyed to Rome, and this year the army-tribute was paid; it was twenty-one thousand and ninety-nine pounds: and eleven thousand and forty-eight pounds were afterwards paid for 32 ships. And the same year Edward the son of King Æthelred came hither from abroad;[1] he was a brother of King Hardacnut, for they both were sons of Ælfgiva Emma the daughter of Earl Richard.


This year King Hardacnut died at Lambeth

  1. From Normandy.