Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/166

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made him then a promise, which he also fulfilled, that he would never again come with hostile designs against the English nation.

"This year Richard the elder died, and his son Richard succeeded him, and reigned 31 years" (in Normandy).


This year a comet appeared.


This year the Army sailed round Devonshire into the mouth of the Severn, and plundered in Cornwall, Wales, and Devon; and they landed at Watchet, and did much damage there, burning and slaying. And after this they sailed southward and round Penwiht-steort (the Land's end), and they entered the mouth of the Thamar, and proceeded up that river until they came to Lydeford, and they burned and slew all before them: and they burned Ordulf's monastery at Ætefing-stoce (Tavistock), and carried innumerable spoils to their ships. This year Archbishop Ælfric went to Rome for his pall.


This year the Army again turned eastward into the mouth of the Frome, and they made inroads upon Dorsetshire as far as they would on either side. And troops were often gathered together