Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/158

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is called July by those who have been rightly instructed in the art of numbers, and on the 18th day of the month, that the young Edgar, the giver of bracelets to the valiant, departed this life. And then his son, a child not full-grown, succeeded to the kingdom: he was the ruler of Earls, and his name was Edward—a prince most excellent. Ten days before this Britain lost Cyneweard, that good and kindly Bishop. At that time, to my mind, the glory of the Supreme governor was trampled on throughout Mercia, many of God's wise servants were driven away, and this was a great sorrow to those who bore in their hearts and minds an ardent love of their Creator. Then indeed was the author of miracles set at nought, he who is the disposer of victory, and the law-giver of heaven, when men violated his right. And then also that beloved chieftain Oslac was driven from the land, and that long-haired warrior, wise and discreet in words, was borne, bereaved of an home, on the rolling waves, on the sea bird's bath, on the roaring waters, over the country of the whales. And then a star appeared in the sky, above in the firmament, which strong-minded men, of deep learning, skilful men, and wise soothsayers, universally call a comet. The vengeance of the