Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/131

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of Winchester, and after this Asser Bishop of Sherborn died. And the same year King Edward sent forth an army of West Saxons and Mercians, who greatly harassed the army in the north, and seized many prisoners, and took much plunder of all kinds, and slew many Danes, and they remained five weeks in those parts.


This year the army in Northumberland broke the peace, and set at nought all the conditions which King Edward and his son had prescribed; and they ravaged Mercia. And the King had assembled about an hundred ships, and he was in Kent, and the ships sailed to the south-east along the coast to join him. The heathens believed that the greater part of his forces was in these ships, and that they might therefore go where they would unmolested. When the King heard that they were gone out to plunder, he sent his West Saxon and Mercian troops, and they followed the Danes, and came up with them as they returned homeward, and they attacked them and put them to flight, and killed many thousands. And King Eowils and King Healfden were slain, and the Earl Ohter, and the Earl Scurfa, and the Hold Othulf, and the Hold Benesing, and Anlaf the black, and the Hold Thur-