Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/106

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Earls and a King were slain: and the same year the men of Wessex made peace with the army.


This year the army went from Reading to London, and there took up their winter quarters, and the Mercians made peace with them.


This year the army went into Northumberland, and they took up their winter quarters at Torksey, in Lindsey: then the Mercians again made peace with them.


This year the army proceeded from Lindsey to Repton, and there they took up their winter quarters. And they drove King Burhred over sea, about twenty-two years from the time that he had begun to reign. And they conquered all that country. And King Burhred went to Rome and abode there unto the end of his life, and his body lieth in St. Mary's Church, in the school of the English nation. The same year they gave the kingdom of Mercia to Ceolwulf, an unwise Thane of the King, that he should hold it; and he swore oaths to them and gave hostages that the kingdom should be at their command, on whatsoever day they might wish to have it again, and