Page:A literal translation of the Saxon Chronicle.djvu/102

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Ælla, an alien, for their King. But late in the year the two parties joined, and both fought against the army; and they gathered together a great force, and came upon the invaders at York, and some of them broke into the town, and then there was a very great slaughter of the Northumbrians, some being slain within the town and some without, and both the Kings were killed, and those who survived made peace with the army. The same year died Bishop Ealchstan, he held the bishoprick of Sherborn 50 years, and his body lieth in that town.


This year the same array came into Mercia as far as Nottingham, and took up their winter quarters there, and Burhred King of Mercia and his Witan begged Æthered King of Wessex and his brother Alfred to assist them, that they might fight against this army. And then they came with the West Saxon troops into Mercia and to Nottingham, and they found them within the fortress, and besieged them, and there was no battle of moment, and the Mercians made peace with the army.


This year the army went again to York, and remained there one year.