Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/94

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Of Black-Beard.

nard’s Men gave him a terrible Wound in the Neck and Throat, by which the Lieutenant came off with a ſmall Cut over his Fingers.

They were now cloſely and warmly engaged, the Lieutenant and twelve Men, againſt Black-beard and fourteen, till the Sea was tinctur’d with Blood round the Veſſel; Black-beard received a Shot into his Body from the Piſtol that Lieutenant Maynard diſcharg’d, yet he ſtood his Ground, and fought with great Fury, till he received five and twenty Wounds, and five of them by Shot. At length, as he was cocking another Piſtol, having fired ſeveral before, he fell down dead; by which Time eight more out of the fourteen dropp’d, and all the reſt, much wounded, jump’d over-board, and call’d out for Quarters, which was granted, tho’ it was only prolonging their Lives for a few Days. The Sloop Ranger came up, and attack’d the Men that remain’d in Black-beard’s Sloop, with equal Bravery, till they likewiſe cry’d for Quarters.

Here was an End of that couragious Brute, who might have paſs’d in the World for a Heroe, had he been employ’d in a good Cauſe; his Deſtruction, which was of ſuch Conſequence to the Plantations, was entirely owing to the Conduct and Bravery of Lieutenant Maynard and his Men, who might have deſtroy’d him with much leſs Loſs, had they had a Veſſel with great Guns; but they were obliged to uſe ſmall Veſſels, becauſe the Holes and Places he lurk’d in, would not admit of others of greater Draught; and it was no ſmall Difficulty for this Gentleman to get to him, having grounded his Veſſel, at leaſt, a hundred times, in getting up the River, beſides other Diſcouragements, enough to have turn’d back any Gentleman without Diſhonour, who was leſs reſolute and bold than this Lieutenant. The Broadſide that did ſo much Miſchief before they boarded, in all Probability ſa-
