Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/92

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Of Black-Beard.

lighten his Veſſel, that he might run him aboard, the Lieutenant ordered all his Ballaſt to be thrown over-board, and all the Water to be ſtaved, and then weigh’d and ſtood for him; upon which Black-beard hail’d him in this rude Manner: Damn you for Villains, who are you? And, from whence came you? The Lieutenant made him Anſwer, You may ſee by our Colours we are no Pyrates. Black-beard bid him ſend his Boat on Board, that he might ſee who he was; but Mr. Maynard reply’d thus; I cannot ſpare my Boat, but I will come aboard of you as ſoon as I can, with my Sloop. Upon this, Black-beard took a Glaſs of Liquor, and drank to him with theſe Words: Damnation ſeize my Soul if I give you Quarters, or take any from you. In Anſwer to which, Mr. Maynard told him, That he expected no Quarters from him, nor ſhould he give him any.

By this time Black-beard’s Sloop fleeted, as Mr. Maynard’s Sloops were rowing towards him, which being not above a Foot high in the Waſte, and conſequently the Men all expoſed, as they came near together, (there being hitherto little or no Execution done, on either Side,) the Pyrate fired a Broadſide, charged with all Manner of ſmall Shot.——————A fatal Stroke to them! The Sloop the Lieutenant was in, having twenty Men killed and wounded, and the other Sloop nine. This could not be help’d, for there being no Wind, they were oblig’d to keep to their Oars, otherwiſe the Pyrate would have got away from him, which, it ſeems, the Lieutenant was reſolute to prevent.

After this unlucky Blow, Black-beard’s Sloop fell Broadſide to the Shore; Mr. Maynard’s other Sloop, which was called the Ranger, fell a-ſtern, being, for the preſent, diſabled; ſo the Lieutenant finding his own Sloop had Way, and would ſoon be on Board of Teach, he ordered all his Men
