Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/437

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After this, they were obliged to put into ſeveral Ports, and by contrary Winds, came to the Coaſt of France, and hearing there was an Enquiry made after the Ship, Roche quits her at Havre de Grace, and leaves the Management to Cullen and the reſt; who having ſhipp’d other Men, ſail’d away to Scotland, and there quitted the Veſſel, which was afterwards ſeized and brought into the River of Thames.

Some Time after this, Philip Roche came to London, and making ſome Claim for Money, he had made Inſurance of, in the Name of John Euſtace, the Officer was apprized of the Fraud, and he arreſted and flung into the Compter; from whence directing a Letter to his Wife, ſhe ſhewed it to a Friend, who diſcovered by it, that he was the principal Villain concerned in the Deſtruction of Peter Tartoue, and the Crew. Upon this, an Information was given to my Lord Carteret, that the Perſon who went by the Name of John Euſtace, was Philip Roche, as aforeſaid; and being brought down by his Lordſhips Warrant, he ſtifly deny’d it for ſome Time, notwithſtanding a Letter was found in his Pocket, directed to him by the Name of Roche; but being confronted by a Captain of a Ship, who knew him well, he confeſſed it, but prevaricated in ſeveral Particulars; whereupon he was committed to Newgate upon violent Suſpicion, and the next Day was brought down again at his own Requeſt, confeſſed the whole, deſired to be made an Evidence, and promiſed to convict three Men worſe than himſelf. Two were diſcovered by him, who died miſerably in the Marſhalſea, and Roche himſelf was afterwards try’d, (no more being taken,) found Guilty of the Pyracy, and executed.

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