Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/374

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rates unprepared. As they were in no Condition to defend themſelves, they fled to their Sloops, leaving them Maſters of the Field and the Spoil thereof, which was of great Value, and ſet Fire to the Happy Delivery, their capital Ship.

Lowther made the beſt Proviſion he could in the largeſt Sloop, which he called the Ranger, having ten Guns and eight Swivels, and ſhe ſailing beſt, the Company went all aboard of her, and left the other at Sea. Proviſions was now very ſhort, which, with the late Loſs, put them in a confounded ill Humour, inſomuch that they were every now and then going together by the Ears, laying the Blame of their ill Conduct ſometimes upon one, then upon another.

The Beginning of May 1722, they got to the Weſt-Indies, and near the Iſland of Diſeada, took a Brigantine, one Payne Maſter, that afforded them what they ſtood in need of, which put them in better Temper, and Buſineſs ſeemed to go on well again. After they had pretty well plundered the Brigantine, they ſent her to the Bottom. They went into the Iſland and watered, and then ſtood to the Northward, intending to viſit the Main-Coaſt of America.

In the Latitude of 38, they took a Brigantine called the Rebecca of Boſton, Captain Smith, bound thither from St. Chriſtophers. At the taking of this Veſſel, the Crews divided; for Low, whom Lowther joined at the Grand Caimanes, proving always a very unruly Member of the Commonwealth, always aſpiring, and never ſatiſfy’d with the Proceedings of the Commander; he thought it the ſafeſt Way to get rid of him, upon any Terms; and according to the Vote of the Company, they parted the Bear Skin between them: Low with 44 Hands went aboard the Brigantine, and Lowtherwith