Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/311

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Capt. Bartho. Roberts.

ragious Manner, putting them in bodily Fears, ſometimes for the Ship, and ſometimes for themſelves; and in particular, Kreft charged it on Sutton, that he had ordered all their Gunner’s Stores out; on which that Priſoner preſently interrupted, and ſaid, he was perjured, That he had not taken half. A Reply, I believe, not deſigned as any ſawcy Way of jeſting, but to give their Behaviour an Appearance of more Humanity than the Dutch would allow.

From Mr. Caſtel, Wingfield and others, they were proved to be diſtinguiſhed Men, Men who were conſulted as Chiefs in all Enterprizes; belonged moſt of them to the Houſe of Lords, (as they call’d it,) and could carry an Authority over others. The former ſaid, particularly of Hardy, (Quarter-Maſter of the Ranger,) that when the Diligence Sloop was taken, (whereto he belonged,) none was buſier in the Plunder, and was the very Man who ſcuttled and ſunk that Veſſel.

From ſome of the Priſoners acquitted, it was farther demanded, whether the Acceptance or Refuſal of any Office was not in their own Option? And it was declared, that every Officer was choſe by a Majority of Votes, and might refuſe, if he pleaſed, ſince others gladly embraced what brought with it an additional Share of Prize. Guilty

The Court on the 31ſt of March, remanded the following ſix before them, for Sentence, viz. Dav. Sympſon, Wm. Magnes, R. Hardy, Thomas Sutton, Chriſtopher Moody, and Valen. Aſhplant.

To whom the Preſident ſpoke to the following Purpoſe;

The Crime of Pyracy, of which all of ye have been juſtly convicted, is of all other Robberies the moſt aggravating and inhumane, in that being removed from the Fears of Surprize, in remote and diſtant Parts, ye do in Wantonneſs of Power often add Cruelty to Theft.
