Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/276

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Capt. Bartho. Roberts.

This Advice weigh’d with them, and they got under Sail, having ſtay’d only from Thurſday to Saturday Night, and at Sea voted for the Iſland of Anna Bona; but the Winds hanging out of the Way, croſſed their Purpoſe, and brought them to Cape Lopez, where I ſhall leave them for their approaching Fate, and relate ſome further Particulars of his Majeſty’s Ship the Swallow, viz. where it was ſhe had ſpent her Time, during the Miſchief that was done, and by what Means unable to prevent it; what alſo was the Intelligence ſhe received, and the Meaſures thereon formed, that at laſt brought two ſuch Strangers as Mr Roberts and Capt. Ogle, to meet in ſo remote a Corner of the World.

The Swallow and Weymouth left Sierraleon, May 28, where, I have already taken Notice, Roberts arrived about a Month after, and doubtleſs learn’d the Intent of their Voyage, and cleaning on the Coaſt; which made him ſet down with more Security to his Diverſion, and furniſh him with ſuch Intimations, as made his firſt Range down the Coaſt in Auguſt following, more proſperous; the Swallow and Weymouth being then at the Port of Princes a cleaning.

Their Stay at Princes was from July 28 to Sept. 20, 1721, where, by a Fatality, common to the Irregularities of Seamen, (who cannot in ſuch Caſes be kept under due Reſtraints,) they buried 100 Men in three Weeks time, and reduced the Remainder of the Ships Companies into ſo ſickly a State, that it was with Difficulty they brought them to ſail; and this Miſfortune was probably the Ruin of Roberts, for it prevented the Men of War’s going back to Sierraleon, as it was intended, there being a Neceſſity of leaving his Majeſty’s Ship Weymouth (in much the worſe Condition of the two) under the Guns of Cape Corſo, to impreſs Men, being unable at this Time, either to hand
