Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/250

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Of Capt. Bartho. Roberts.

the Deſtruction and Havock they made here, burning and ſinking all the ſhipping, except a Briſtol Galley, and deſtroying the Fiſheries, and Stages of the poor Planters, without Remorſe or Compunction; for nothing is ſo deplorable as Power in mean and ignorant Hands, it makes Men wanton and giddy, unconcerned at the Misfortunes they are impoſing on their Fellow Creatures, and keeps them ſmiling at the Miſchiefs, that bring themſelves no Advantage. They are like mad Men, that caſt Fire-Brands, Arrows, and Death, and ſay, are not we in Sport?

Roberts mann’d the Briſtol Galley he took in the Harbour, and mounted 16 Guns on Board her, and cruiſing out upon the Banks, he met with nine or ten Sail of French Ships, all which he deſtroyed except one of 26 Guns, which they ſeiz’d, and carried off for their own Uſe. This Ship they chriſt’ned the Fortune, and leaving the Briſtol Galley to the French Men, they ſailed away in Company with the Sloop, on another Cruiſe, and took ſeveral Prizes, viz. the Richard of Biddiford, Jonathan Whitfield Maſter; the Willing Mind of Pool; the Expectation of Topſham; and the Samuel, Captain Cary, of London; out of theſe Ships they encreaſed their Company, by entring all the Men they could well ſpare, in their own Service. The Samuel was a rich Ship, and had ſeveral Paſſengers on Board, who were uſed very roughly, in order to make them diſcover their Money, threatning them every Moment with Death, if they did not reſign every Thing up to them. They tore up the Hatches and entered the Hold like a parcel of Furies, and with Axes and Cutlaſhes, cut and broke open all the Bales, Caſes, and Boxes, they could lay their Hands on; and when any Goods came upon Deck, that they did not like to carry aboard, inſtead of toſſing them into the Hold again,
