Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/240

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Of Capt. Bartho. Roberts.

main Gang alarm’d the Country where-ever they came, drinking and roaring at ſuch a Rate, that the People ſhut themſelves up in their Houſes, in ſome Places, not daring to venture out among ſo many mad Fellows: In other Villages, they treated the whole Town, ſquandering their Money away, as if, like Æſop, they wanted to lighten their Burthens: This expenſive manner of Living procured two of their drunken Straglers to be knocked on the Head, they being found murdered in the Road, and their Money taken from them: All the reſt, to the Number of ſeventeen as they drew nigh to Edinburgh, were arreſted and thrown into Goal, upon Suſpicion, of they knew not what; However, the Magiſtrates were not long at a Loſs for proper Accuſations, for two of the Gang offering themſelves for Evidences were accepted of; and the others were brought to a ſpeedy Tryal, whereof nine were convicted and executed.

Kennedy having ſpent all his Money, came over from Ireland, and kept a common B———y-Houſe on Deptford Road, and now and then, ’twas thought, made an Excurſion abroad in the Way of his former Profeſſion, till one of his Houſhold W———s gave Information againſt him for a Robbery, for which he was committed to Bridewell; but becauſe ſhe would not do the Buſineſs by halves, ſhe found out a Mate of a Ship that Kennedy had committed Pyracy upon, as he fooliſhly confeſs’d to her. This Mate, whoſe Name was Grant, paid Kennedy a Viſit in Bridewell, and knowing him to be the Man, procured a Warrant, and had him committed to the Marſhalſea Priſon.

The Game that Kennedy had now to play was to turn Evidence himſelf; accordingly he gave a Liſt of eight or ten of his Comrades; but not being acquainted with their Habitations, one only was taken, who, tho’ condemn’d, appeared to be a Man
