Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/192

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Of Capt. Howel Davis.

Governor, with ſome Attendants, came himſelf and examined who they were, and whence they came? And not liking Davis’s Account of himſelf, the Governor was ſo plain to tell them, he ſuſpected them to be Pyrates. Davis ſeemed mightily affronted, ſtanding much upon his Honour, replying to the Governor, he ſcorn’d his Words; however, as ſoon as his Back was turn’d, for fear of Accidents, he got on Board again as faſt as he could. Davis related what had happened, and his Men ſeemed to reſent the Affront which had been offered him. Davis, upon this, told them, he was confident he could ſurprize the Fort in the Night; they agreed with him to attempt it, and accordingly, when it grew late, they went aſhore well arm’d; and the Guard which was kept, was ſo negligent, that they got within the Fort before any Alarm was given: When it was too late there was ſome little Reſiſtance made, and three Men killed on Davis’s Side. Thoſe in the Fort, in their Hurry, run into the Governor’s Houſe to ſave themſelves, which they barricadoed ſo ſtrongly, that Davis’s Party could not enter it; however, they threw in Granadoe-Shells, which not only ruin’d all the Furniture, but kill’d ſeveral Men within.

When it was Day the whole Country was alarm’d, and came to attack the Pyrates; wherefore it not being their Buſineſs to ſtand a Siege, they made the beſt of their Way on Board their Ship again, after having diſmounted the Guns of the Fort. By this Enterprize they did a great Deal of Miſchief to the Portugueſe, and but very little Good to themſelves.

Having put to Sea they muſter’d their Hands, and found themſelves near ſeventy ſtrong; then it was propoſed what Courſe they ſhould ſteer, and differing in their Opinions, they divided, and by a Majority it was carried for Gambia on the Coaſt of Guiney; of this Opinion was Davis, he having been
