Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/186

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Captain Howel Davis,
And his Crew.

Captain Howel Davis was born at Milford, in Monmouthſhire, and was from a Boy brought up to the Sea. The laſt Voyage he made from England, was in the Cadogan Snow of Briſtol, Captain Skinner Commander, bound for the Coaſt of Guiney, of which Snow Davis was chief Mate: They were no ſooner arrived at Sierraleon on the aforeſaid Coaſt, but they were taken by the Pyrate England, who plunder’d them, and Skinner was barbarouſly murdered, as has been related before in the Story of Captain England.

After the Death of Captain Skinner, Davis pretended that he was mightily ſollicited by England to engage with him; but that he reſolutely anſwered, he would ſooner be ſhot to Death than ſign the Pyrates Articles. Upon which, England, pleaſed with his Bravery, ſent him and the reſt of the Men again on Board the Snow, appointing him Captain of her, in the Room of Skinner, commanding him to purſue his Voyage. He alſo gave him a written Paper ſealed up, with Orders to open it when he ſhould come into a certain Latitude,
