Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/165

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Of Capt. John Rackam.

tain Barnet chaſed them, ſome were drinking, and others walking the Deck: That there was a great Gun and a ſmall Arm fired by the Pyrate Sloop, at Captain Barnet’s Sloop, when he chaſed her; and that when Captain Barnet’s Sloop fired at Rackam’s Sloop, the Priſoners at the Bar went down under Deck. That during the Time Captain Barnet chaſed them, ſome of the Priſoners at the Bar (but which of them he could not tell) helped to row the Sloop, in order to eſcape from Barnet: That they all ſeemed to be conſorted together.

This was the Subſtance of all that was evidenced againſt them, the Priſoners anſwered in their Defence,

‘That they had no Witneſſes: That they had bought a Pettiauger in order to go a Turtleing; and being at Negril Point, and juſt got aſhore, they ſaw a Sloop with a white Pendant coming towards them, upon which they took their Arms, and hid themſelves in the Buſhes: That one of them hail’d the Sloop, who anſwer’d, They were Engliſh Men, and deſired them to come aboard and drink a Bowl of Punch; which they at firſt refuſed, but afterwards with much perſwaſion, they went on Board, in the Sloop’s Canoe, and left their own Pettiauger at Anchor: That they had been but a ſhort Time on Board, when Captain Barnet’s Sloop heaved in Sight: That Rackam ordered them to help to weigh the Sloop’s Anchor immediately, which they all refuſed: That Rackam uſed violent Means to oblige them; and that when Captain Barnet came up with them, they all readily and willingly ſubmitted.

When the Priſoners were taken from the Bar, and the Perſons preſent being withdrawn, the Court conſidered the Priſoners Caſes, and the Majority of the Commiſſioners being of Opinion, that they were all Guilty of the Pyracy and Fe-
