Page:A general history of the pyrates, from their first rise and settlement in the Island of Providence, to the present time (1724).djvu/138

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Of Capt. England.

The Vice-Roy of Goa, aſſiſted by the Engliſh Company’s Fleet from Bombay, did attempt the Reduction of Callaba, his principal Place, landed 8 or 10000 Men the next Year, the Engliſh Squadron of Men of War being then in thoſe Seas; but having viewed the Fortification well, and expended ſome of their Army by Sickneſs and the Fatigues of a Camp, carefully withdrew again.

I return to the Pyrates, who, after they had ſent away the Gallivats People, reſolved to cruiſe to the Southward; and the next Day, between Goa and Carwar, heard ſeveral Guns, which brought them to an Anchor, and they ſent their Boat on the Scent, who returned about two in the Morning, and brought Word of two Grabs lying at Anchor in the Road. They weighed and ran towards the Bay, till Day-Light gave the Grabs Sight of them, and was but juſt Time enough to get under India Diva Caſtle, out of their reach; this diſpleaſed the Pyrates the more, in that they wanted Water; and ſome were for making a Deſcent that Night and taking the Iſland, but it not being approved of by the Majority, they proceeded to the Southward, and took next in their Way, a ſmall Ship out of Onnore Road, with only a Dutch Man and two Portugueſe on Board. They ſent one of theſe on Shore to the Captain, to acquaint him, if he would ſupply them with ſome Water, and freſh Proviſions, he ſhould have his Ship again; and the Maſter returned for anſwer, by his Mate Frank Harmleſs, that if they would deliver him Poſſeſſion over the Bar, he would comply with their Requeſt; the Propoſal the Mate thought was colluſive, and they rather jump’d into Harmleſs’s Opinion, (who very honeſtly entered with them,) and reſolved to ſeek Water at the Laccadeva Iſlands; ſo having ſent the other Perſons on Shore, with threats, that he ſhould be the laſt Man they would give Quarter
