Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/94

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On the inequality

concluded from certain Remedies made uſe of or approved by Podalyrus and Macaon at the Siege of Troy, that ſeveral Diſorders, which theſe Remedies were found to bring on in his Days, were not known among Men at that remote Period.

Man therefore, in a State of Nature where there are ſo few Sources of Sickneſs, can have no great Occaſion for Phyſic, and ſtill leſs for Phyſicians; neither is the Human Species more to be pitied in this Reſpect, than any other Species of Animals. Aſk thoſe who make Hunting their Recreation or Buſineſs, if in their Excurſions they meet with many ſick or feeble Animals. They meet with many carrying the Marks of conſiderable Wounds, that have been perfectly well healed and cloſed up; with many, whoſe Bones formerly broken, and whoſe Limbs almoſt torn off, have completely knit and united,
