Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/85

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among mankind.

Fury by flight, acquire a robuſt and almoſt unalterable Habit of Body; the Children, bringing with them into the World the excellent Conſtitution of their Parents, and ſtrengthening it by the ſame Exerciſes that firſt produced it, attain by this Means all the Vigour that the human Frame is capable of. Nature treats them exactly in the ſame Manner that Sparta treated the Children of her Citizens; thoſe who come well formed into the World ſhe renders ſtrong and robuſt, and deſtroys all the reſt; differing in this Reſpect from our Societies, in which the State, by permitting Children to become burthenſome to their Parents, murders them all without Diſtinction, even in the Wombs of their Mothers.

The Body, being the only Inſtrument that ſavage Man is acquainted with, he employs it to different Uſes, of which ours, for Want of Practice, are inca-

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