Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/74

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On the inequality

of this Diſcourſe? It is to point out, in the Progreſs of Things, that Moment, when, Right taking place of Violence, Nature became ſubject to Law; to diſplay that Chain of ſurpriſing Events, in conſequence of which the ſtrong ſubmitted to ſerve the weak, and the People to purchaſe imaginary Eaſe, at the Expence of real Happineſs.

The Philoſophers, who have examined the Foundations of Society, have, every one of them, perceived the Neceſſity of tracing it back to a ſtate of Nature, but not one of them has ever arrived there. Some of them have not ſcrupled to attribute to Man in that State the Ideas of Juſtice and Injuſtice, without troubling their Heads to prove, that he really muſt have had ſuch Ideas, or even that ſuch Ideas were uſeful to him: others have ſpoken of the natural Right of every Man to keep what belongs to him, without let-
