Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/311

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Application we oblige them to beſtow in a thousand Things upon which we conſtantly fix their Attention, while their corporeal Faculties are left without Exerciſe, may likewiſe contribute a great deal to retard their Growth. So that if, inſtead of overloading and fatiguing their Minds a thouſand different Ways, we permitted them to exerciſe their Bodies in thoſe continual Motions, which Nature ſeems to require, it is probable they would be much earlier in a Condition to walk and ſtir about, and provide for themſelves.

Mr. Locke, in fine, proves at moſt that there may be in Man a Motive to live with the Woman when ſhe has a Child; but he by no Means proves that there was any Neceſſity for his living with her before her Delivery and during the nine Months of her Pregnancy: If a pregnant Woman comes to be indifferent to the Man by whom ſhe is pregnant during theſe nine Months, if ſhe even comes to be entirely forgot by him, why ſhould he aſſiſt her after her Delivery? Why ſhould he help her to rear a Child, which he does not know to be his, and whoſe Birth he neither

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