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cally oppoſite to this Author's Syſtem. The Pigeon lives entirely upon Corn, and remains conſtantly united to his Mate, and both in common feed their young ones. The Duck, whoſe Voracity is notorious, takes no Notice either of his young ones or their Mother, and contributes nothing towards their Subſiſtence; and among Cocks and Hens, a Species ſcarce leſs ravenous, the former is never known to give himſelf any Trouble about Eggs or Chickens. If among other Species the Male ſhares with the Female the Care of feeding their young ones, it is becauſe thoſe Birds, not being able to fly as ſoon as hatched, and which the Mother cannot ſuckle, can much leſs do without the Father's Aſſiſtance than Quadrupeds, who, for ſome time at leaſt, require nothing but the Mother's Nipple.

3. There is a great Deal of Uncertainty in the principal Fact upon which Mr. Locke builds his whole Argument. For to know if, in a pure State of Nature, Woman, as he pretends, generally becomes pregnant, and brings forth a new Child a long Time before that immediately preceeding can himſelf ſupply his Wants,

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