Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/302

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Parts and eaſtern Shores of Africa, Malabar, the Mogul's Country, the Banks of the Ganges, the Kingdoms of Siam, Pegu and Ava, China, Tartary, and above all Japan; then in the other Hemiſphere, Mexico, Peru, Chili, Terra Magellanica, not forgetting the real or imaginary Patagons, Tucuman, Paraguay if poſſible, Brazil, in fine the Carribee Iſlands, Florida, and all the Savage Countries, the moſt important Part of the Whole Circuit, and that which would require the greateſt Care and Attention; let us ſuppoſe that theſe new Herculeſes, at their Return from theſe memorable Expeditions, ſat down to compoſe at their Leiſure a natural, moral, and political Hiſtory of what they had ſeen; we ſhould ourſelves ſee a new World iſſue from their Pens, and ſhould thus learn to judge of our own: I ſay that when ſuch Obſervers affirmed of one Animal, that it was a Man, and of another that it was a Beaſt, we might take their Word for it; but it would be the Height of Simplicity to truſt in theſe Matters to illiterate Travellers, concerning whom one would ſometimes be apt to ſtart the very Doubt, which they take upon them to reſolve concerning other Animals.
