Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/291

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ſented to Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange. It was as tall as a Child of three Years, moderately corpulent, and though ſquare-built was well-proportioned, and withal very active and lively; its Legs were ſtrong and fleſhy, the Back-part of the Body covered all over with black Hair, the Fore-part without any Hair at all. At firſt Sight its Face looked like that of a Man, but the Noſe was flat and turned up; its Ears too reſembled thoſe of the Human Species; its Boſom, for it was a Female, was dimpled, its Navel ſunk in, its Shoulders well hung, its Hands divided into Fingers and Thumbs, the Calfs of its Legs and its Heels fat and fleſhy. She often walked upright on her Legs, and could raiſe and carry pretty heavy Burthens. When ſhe wanted to drink, ſhe took hold of the Lid of the Veſſel with one Hand, and of the Bottom with the other, and after drinking wiped her Lips very prettily. When ſhe laid herſelf down to reſt, ſhe placed her Head upon a Pillow, and covered herſelf with ſo much Dexterity, that one would have taken her for a Woman in Bed. The Negroes tell ſtrange Stories of this Animal. They aſſure us that the Male not only raviſhes grown up Women and young Girls, but even
