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kill them both one after another, the Moment he ſhould be commanded ſo to do, and all this without any Manner of Aſſiſtance. The Governor having accepted theſe Terms, the Indian was as good as his Word, and performed every thing he had promiſed. For the way he went about it, and the Particulars of ſo extraordinary an Engagement, the Reader may conſult the Firſt Volume of Obſervations on Natural Hiſtory by Mr. Gautier, from whom I have borrowed this Account. Page xxx.

Pag. 25.

(7.) "The Length of Life in Horſes, ſays Monſieur de Buffon, is, as in every other Species of Animals, proportionable to the length of their growing State. Man, who is fourteen Years growing, may live ſix or ſeven times as long, that is, Ninety or a Hundred Years: The Horſe, whoſe Growth is performed in four Years, may live ſix or ſeven times as long, that is five and twenty or thirty Years. The Inſtances of Deviations from this Rule are ſo few, that they ought not to be conſidered as an Exception from which any Conſequences can
